
Desideri il cambiamento?

Durante la nostra esistenza spesso capita di attraversare periodi difficile  dovuti a eventi stressanti, interni o esterni, che non  sappiamo come gestire. A volte ci si può sentire come intrappolati in situazioni considerate impossibili da cambiare.

Ma la gente cambia quando per la prima volta inizia a raccontare a se stessa la storia della  propria vita.

Cambia quando riconosce che non vuole più vivere una vita fatta di restrizioni e paure. Cambia quando inizia a usare le proprie esperienze fallimentari come un insegnamento e un’opportunità di crescita, piuttosto che una conferma dei loro limiti e credenze negative.

La gente cambia quando le viene dato il tempo e lo spazio per comprendere i loro veri desideri e, all’interno della cornice terapeutica, iniziare a dipingere un nuovo scenario esistenziale fatto di valori e desideri unici e personali.

In questo processo terapeutico avviene la crescita dell’individuo, unico responsabile e creatore del proprio destino.


Psychotherapist Consultation
I am meeting Marcello on a regular basis, even though I understand it is going to take time, willingness and commitment to change and improve certain psychological partners, with Marcello I feel I am on the right path. Treatments: Psychotherapist Consultation

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Feel like a more balanced person
"I think that Marcello is a very flexible and competent professional. We are mainly using the "schema therapy". You always think that you behave in a certain way because it's part of your "nature". Most of the time it's not like this, we use misleading patterns to interpret the events and to take decisions. This therapy helps you understand where these patterns come from, how to manage and overcome them. As it was the first time that I decided to go to the psychologist, I didn't know how to understand who might be the right person for me with the r ...

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Schema Therapy
Although initially skeptical about therapy in general, I found the Marcello's approach extremely helpful: in just 6 months have helped me to cope much better with the stress and find a better way to balancing the often competing demands of home, work, and not least, myself. Treatments: Stress Management

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I do recommend Marcello as a professional

Were you pleased with the treatment? Yes, I do recommend Marcello as a professional. I met Marcello for the first time 1 year ago. I was totally unaware of all the dynamics but what I knew at that time was the fact that I needed help, a professional help.

Marcello's approach has been very flexible, according also to my needs. The most important part and outcome of the treatment needs to be conceived and pushed forward by yourself, but still Marcello was totally able to help me and to understand me. But most importantly to drive me ...

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I am a better man for it
Within the first meeting he identified that I did not have anger management problems, it went much further and deeper than that. The first meeting has changed everything about me, and I am a better man for it. Now onto the 8th meeting and he has altered the way I view everything. The last time I lost my temper was 2 days before I first met with Marcello, before that it was almost every day over something. Everything with my relationships has changed for the better. The hardest question he asked was at the beginning - what do you want out of this? After tha ...

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Expressly recommended

Were you pleased with the treatment? Marcello is very professional, the tools he use are modern and effective and every time he tries to be willing and helpful.

Treatments Schema therapy

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Were you pleased with the treatment?
I have been meeting Marcello for nearly a year now and I found the way he engages with me is very effective and pleasurable. Thanks to his help, I discovered my internal thoughts patterns and the origins of them, and this awareness is helping me to gradually overcome my bad habits. Hi approach is mainly cognitive, but he also use traditional psico-analysis, coaching, PNR and schema-therapy.

Treatments Psychologist Consultation

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Mi sento come se avessi una nuova direzione e un nuovo scopo
Marcello e’ un terapeuta motivato e attento al cliente. Dopo 3 mesi di sessioni il mio modo di guardare alla vita e’ cambiato in modo rimarcabile e mi sento come se avessi una nuova direzione e un nuovo scopo nella vita. Marcello di ha guidato nella comprensione di me stessa e di ciò di cui ho bisogno per essere felice. Consiglio altamente Marcello come terapeuta.
Trattamento: Consultazione Psicologica

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Molto professionale
Sei soddisfatto della terapia? Marcello e’ un terapeuta molto professionale e attento al cliente. In sei sessioni ho avuto modo di sviluppare idee più chiare rispetto al mio futuro e le scelte giuste da fare per essere felice con me stesso.
Altamente raccomandato.
Trattamento: Life Coaching

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Altamente consigliato
Psicologo Italiano altamente consigliato, con esperienza e utilizzo di un approccio terapeutico multidisciplinare. Ho intrapreso sessioni di coaching e psicoterapia con Marcello per due mesi e sono in grado di continuare la terapia anche se ho lasciato Dublino. Lo studio e’ allocato in Ballsbridge e la clinica mi ha dato un senso di confort, accoglienza e particolare attenzione alla protezione della privacy. Tutto questo per un buon prezzo.
Onestamente non potevo chiedere di piu’. Trattamento: Life Coaching

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